Shooting Events
Clay Shooting
Target Shooting
NPWS and Deer Stalking
Game Shooting
Traps and Snares
Birds Derogation
The Wild Bird derogation is signed by the Minister each year usually at end April. The 2017-2018 Derogation is shown below.
Predator Control
By Predator Control we mean the regulation or management of a species defined as a predator of game birds. In Ireland the predator species in the main consist of the Hooded or Grey Crow, the Magpie, the Fox and the Mink. We need to be familiar with these species in how they look, how they hunt, what tactics they commonly use, what methods of control we can use, what hunting seasons if any apply and with the various Wildlife Acts and with the Firearms laws. A tall task in any year as some elements change from time to time.
One of the best current up to date articles written on the subject in a clear to understand manner was written by Dr David Scallan recently. The link is displayed below and we should all if we are engaging in predator control be familiar with the contents.
A derogation where particular wild bird species are causing damage to crops, livestock and fauna and/or represent a threat to public health or to air safety may also apply in Ireland and the Minister usually signs a new one in April/May each year. Bear in mind that this can and does change year to year. The current derogation can be assessed by clicking on the link below.
Vermin Subsidy
For clubs that control predators in their preserves an incentive scheme is in operation.
- Mink €7 Each
- Fox €3
- Grey Squirrel €4 Each
- Grey Crow €1 Each
- Magpie €1 Each
- Woodpigeon 20c each
- Cap of €1000 per club subject to an Overall Cap of €12,000.